RNSH SERT Institute Update

by Shelly Dhaliwal

The RNS SERT Institute is undertaking an extensive consultation of all surgical departments to help inform our work-plan. We are asking for feedback in the following 4 areas:

  • What are your top 3 priorities (non-data related) in terms of surgical research, training, and education?
  • What are the top 3 challenges your department faces at RNSH (non-data related), preferably with examples?
  • What barriers, if any, do you or members of your department come cross when you attempt to conduct research, undertake clinical trials or teach surgery?
  • What would you like to see on the RNS SERT Institute website (currently being developed)?

We have received excellent feedback from several surgical departments already. Common themes include support in preparing research and ethics applications; being able to attract research funding; and increasing research output and publications in peer-reviewed journals. We are studying the submissions closely and have many ideas on how to address the points raised (with funding to match)!
Submissions initially closed on 15 September but the deadline has been extended to 15 October. If you have any questions, please contact Shelly on 9926 4526 or via [email protected]. One-on-one follow-up meetings with each Surgical Head (or delegates) are being arranged to discuss all submissions. The Institute is also designing a website and will be offering dedicated space to each surgical department in order to showcase their achievements.
Finally, a small RNS SERT Institute Committee has been set up and will be meeting three-monthly to help progress our goals.