Special thanks to Jenny Ludeman – Manager of the Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre

Indeed, a special mention goes to Jenny Ludeman, Manager of the Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre who has put in tireless hours of work behind the scenes to ensure the smooth running of all the courses run this year. It is clear that none of these courses would even be a possibility without the …

Upcoming Events in 2016-2017

On the 10th of December 2016, the SERT Institute will be hosting a course for Fellows in accredited training with the Australia New Zealand Hepatic, Pancreatic and Biliary Association (ANZHPBA) using both cadaveric and animal models to demonstrate and practice advanced HPB surgical techniques such as hepatectomy, duodenal and pancreatic mobilisation, vascular reconstruction, and pancreaticoenteric …

Bowel Anastomosis Course – October 2016

This course was attended by a number of surgical senior residents and surgical registrars. The session consisted of a brief morning of lectures explaining basic concepts behind enteric anastomosis and stapling devices. This was then followed by a number of practical wet specimen sessions where residents and registrars were able to practice end-to-end interrupted bowel …

Basic Laparoscopic Skills Course – May and October 2016

Due to popular demand, this course was run twice this year. Attendees ranged from interns to surgical registrars and the course featured a number of lectures on the laparoscopic stack, patient positioning, electrosurgical technology and lap safety, pneumoperitoneum and safe entry techniques. The practical component consisted of activities initially on dry specimens with exercises to …