Northern Surgical Skills Training Network coordinates education and training for Surgical Senior Resident Medical Officers (SRMO) and provides administrative support for Northern Network Surgical Education and Training (SET) Trainees. The Surgical Skills Training Network is one of six in New South Wales offering training to a number of SRMOs who are preparing for entry into the accredited SET programs offered by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS). The service also provides additional skills training to all prevocational doctors, particularly those who are interested in pursuing surgical careers.

Northern Sydney Skills Training Network includes Royal North Shore, Children’s Hospital Westmead, Ryde, Northern Beaches, Gosford, Port Macquarie and Lismore Base. The Network is designed to provide surgically inclined JMOs within these hospitals with a diverse range of surgical, critical care, and emergency medicine experiences.
To support our Networks surgical education and training, our team consists of:
- Network Director or Training: Dr Amanda Chung
- Surgical Skills and Education Coordinator: Ms Claire Kennedy
Terms available in the Northern Network:
Royal North Shore
- Plastics
- Trauma
- Surgical Nights
- Orthopaedics
Northern Beaches
- Vascular
- General Surgery
- General Surgery
- Plastics
- Surgical Nights
Port Macquarie
- General Surgery
Children’s Hospital Westmead
- Orthopaedics
- Relief
Term allocation is based on submitted preferences, training needs and future aspirations of the SRMO. SRMOs are required to hold an eligible medical degeree (MBBS) with general registration with the AHPRA, have at least two years working as a medical officer and have experience in working closely with senior and junior clinicians.