RACS NSW is proud to announce that it will be going ahead with its Preparation for SET workshop, to be held on Saturday 31 October 2020, 8:30am – 3:15pm in the RACS NSW office at Level 26, 201 Kent St, Sydney.
This one-day workshop is directed to final year medical students and interns, capped at 15 participants (due to social distancing requirements). The workshop will provide information about pathways to surgery, prevocational training, JDocs and preparing for SET examinations and interviews. The day will also include a hands-on practical session to practice surgical skills.
For more information, see this flyer.
Registration costs $75 and includes morning tea, lunch and a goody bag which includes RACS merchandising and the RACS Essential Surgical Skills Kit, valued at $126.50.
Click here to register (log-in required)