Research Guide – Choosing a research supervisor

By Dr Julian Quinn, The SERT Institute, RNSH. The project supervisor plays a central role in a successful project. This includes mentoring and guiding the student, teaching good research practice, making sure that the student makes proper progress, helping resolve issues and guiding the report writing. The supervisor also has to deal with official paperwork and …

Embedding a data culture in surgical practice.

In a paper recently published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery (1), Quilantang & Hugh describe the challenges involved in the establishment of a centralised and dedicated surgical unit at the Royal North Shore Hospital. The authors believe that the provision of “high-quality relevant and accessible data are the foundations of effective …

RNSH surgeon; original ‘ANZAC’; a victim of the Influenza pandemic 1919

During the 1919 influenza pandemic, the Royal North Shore Hospital received 534 influenza patients between 28 March and 31 July; 74 of these patients died. Twenty of the nurses contracted influenza, but fortunately, all recovered. One medical practitioner, Dr St Vincent Welch (1881–1919) (DSO, MB ChM 1906), a veteran of Gallipoli and the Somme, tragically …

From Opposite Sides of the Trenches – The Founding of the Kolling Institute.

“During the First World War, two young men served with distinction on opposite sides of the battlefields in France. One, William Wilson Ingram (1888–1982) was wounded in action, “mentioned in despatches”, and awarded the Military Cross by the British government. The other, Max Rudolf Lemberg (1896–1975), was awarded the Iron Cross after being wounded in …