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Women’s Health Research Translational Network Grants

The Australian Health Research Alliance’s, Women’s Health Research Translation and Impact Network (WHRTN) is pleased to announce its inaugural Early and Mid-Career Researcher Funded Awards grant round comprising one-off 12-month financial support to facilitate career advancement and development in women in early and mid-career stages of their research careers.

Sydney Vital Celebrating Women in Cancer Research: Ussha Pillai

Ussha Pillai is the Senior Tumour Bank Officer at the Kolling Institute Tumour Bank, where she leads the Tumour Bank team and manages its operations. In celebration of International Women’s Day, Sydney Vital has posted an interview with Ussha discussing her career and the valuable contribution the tumour bank has made to cancer research on this …

The Inaugural Cumberland Travelling Scholarship awarded to Dr Kai Brown.

The inaugural VH Cumberland Travelling Fellowship was awarded to Dr Kai Brown on the 15th of February. His successful abstract was “Novell therapeutic targets in the cancer-associated stroma define poor prognosis in colorectal cancer and colorectal cancer metastases”. Kai gave an excellent presentation of his work at the Surgical Grand Rounds held in the Kolling building.  …