by Maria Albania

The DASO Unit has already started making progress by increasing the number of resources for data management and audit support within the Division of Surgery. Two data manager positions are currently in the approval process to be recruited through the DASO Unit.
The NSLHD is committed to supporting existing and additional data management and audit services in the Division of Surgery & Anaesthesia at RNSH. The DASO Unit also has access to ongoing funding for distribution to departments across the division for the purpose of supporting surgical data management and audit activities.
To apply for resources for data support for your department please address each of the criteria below in a short application letter to the DASO unit:
- Surgical data/audit tasks & processes – outline both current and proposed data/audit processes to be undertaken in your department
- Current resources – describe what data management/support resources are currently available to your department
- Data capture & database systems – outline which systems and software packages are currently or will be used to capture clinical data in your department
- Reporting & analysis – outline how the data for your department will be analysed and reported and the intended use/purpose of the data
- Level of clinician engagement – detail the department’s expectation of how clinicians will be engaged in data and audit processes. Specifically please nominate a clinician who will be the data and audit champion for your department
- Requested resources – provide an estimate of the data management workload and personnel you might require
For more information please contact Maria Albania, DASO Unit Manager at [email protected] or 02 9926 4560.