International Clinical Trials Day Showcase

The RNS SERT Institute is collaborating with the Kolling Institute of Medical Research to celebrate the International Clinical Trials Day at the RNS hospital. The event is highly supported by the NHMRC. The Day itself falls on 20 May but because it is a Sunday this year, we will be celebrating it on Friday 18 May.
The RNS hospital’s main entrance foyer will be the showcase area where clinical trial posters will be displayed to raise awareness on the significance of innovation and research in professional practice.
All surgical departments are strongly encouraged to show-case their clinical trials, and also other research projects, at the foyer. This will also be an opportunity for us all to come together, including our community members and visitors, and learn about the great work that we are doing here!
Please contact Linda Pallot, Clinical Trials Research Nurse, Vascular Surgery, [email protected] , if you are
interested to showcase or will like to help organise this event.