For practising surgeons, burn out is a very real problem. The authors share strategies that they have used to avoid burnout and allow them to focus on the joyful experiences that a surgical career can offer (1).
“The ability to identify, recognize and savor the many gratifying moments of our profession we believe is a powerful tool to the development of resilience, the resilience that is necessary to face the problems that life and our profession bring, and that may also provide an antidote to burnout.”
The insights shared in this article would be particulalry useful to junior surgeons embarking on their surgical career.
(1) Pellegrini, Carlos A., Haile T. Debas, and Murray F. Brennan. 2021. “The Gift of Being a Surgeon: Three Perspectives.” Annals of Surgery 273 (4): 636–39.
(2) See on – “The Gift of Being a Surgeon: Three Perspectives.” Accessed April 12, 2021.