Orthopaedic Surgery

Orthopaedic Surgery

Overview of Service

The Orthopaedic Surgery Department at Royal North Shore Hospital (RNSH) is one of the busiest units in NSW performing a large volume of emergency and trauma operations. This unit provides specialised care for a range of musculoskeletal conditions, focusing on the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of conditions affecting bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. As a level 1 trauma service, the RNSH Orthopaedic surgeons form part of the multidisciplinary trauma team, attending and managing major trauma presentations.

Areas of Expertise

  • Trauma surgery
  • Replacement and reconstruction of major joints (hip, knee, shoulder and ankle)
  • Reconstructive surgery of the knee including Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, multiligament injuries, meniscus and cartilage transplant, and corrective osteotomy for knee realignment.
  • Spinal Surgery (Adolescent and adult spinal deformity, Spinal trauma, Degenerative disease of the spine, Primary and secondary spinal tumours,)
  • Mutli-disciplinary reconstructive surgery of the lower limb including ortho-plastic limb salvage, deformity correction, targeted muscular reinnervation and neuromuscular and spasticity related disorders.

Key Areas of Education

  • Royal Australian College of Surgeons (Positions held: Examiner)
  • Master of Surgery program, University of Sydney
  • Chair Orthopaedics and Traumatic Surgery, Universityof Sydney
  • Lecturer Medical student’s 2nd and 3rd years
  • Fellowships: Adult Reconstructive Surgery, Knee, Shoulder.
  • Participation in multiple international meetings and teaching courses as invited faculty


  • Board Member, Australian Orthopaedic Association
  • President, Australian Orthopaedic Association
  • Pioneering innovative solutions for hip replacement – Recipient of the InnovationAus 2024 Awards for Excellence (HealthTech Category)
  • Australian Orthopaedic Association Research Prize:2013 and 2021
  • International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (Positions held: President)

Affiliated Organisations

  • Australian Orthopaedic Association
  • University of Sydney
  • Arthroplasty Society of Australia
  • Sydney Orthopaedic Research Institute
  • International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic
  • Spine Society of Australia
  • Scoliosis Research Society
  • Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry
  • SERT Institute
  • Sydney Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Research Institute
  • Australian, Canadian, British and American Foot and Ankle Societies

Meet our Orthopaedic Surgeons

Dr Andrew Ellis


Head of Department

Dr Andrew Ellis has a special interest in reconstructive orthopaedic surgery, hip arthroplasty, musculoskeletal trauma and injury, including fracture management and reconstruction of the lower limb due to neurological conditions.

Dr Joseph Isaacs


Royal Australian College of Surgeons Supervisor

Dr Joseph Isaacs has a special interest in hip and knee surgery and major trauma surgery. He is one of few Australian surgeons trained in pelvic and acetabular fracture surgery.

Dr Terrence Moopanar


Director of Orthopaedic Training at Royal North Shore Hospital

Dr Terrence Moopanar has a special interest in in shoulder and elbow, complex trauma, musculoskeletal infection, major limb reconstruction and complex arthroplasty (shoulder, elbow, hip and knee) surgery.

Prof Bill Walter

MBBS (Syd), FRACS (Orth), PhD (Surgery)

Prof Bill Walter has a special interest in hip and knee surgery. He is one of few surgeons who offers the resurfacing hip replacement, which is particularly suited to fit males under 60 years.

Dr Benjamin Cass


Dr Benjamin Cass has a special interest in shoulder reconstruction and replacement for tendon or labral tears, instability or arthritis via arthroscopic, and when needed, open surgery. Dr Cass also specialises in reconstructive procedures for the elbow including ligament reconstruction, arthroscopy, releases and replacement.

Dr Myles Coolican


Dr Myles Coolican has a special interest in knee arthroscopy, total knee and uniknee replacement, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and knee surgery.

Dr Andrew Cree

MBBS(Hons) FAOrthA FRACS(Orth)

Dr Andrew Cree has a special interest in all spinal disorders, cervical spine, keyhole surgery, image guided techniques and management of trauma and spinal deformities.

Dr Randolph Gray


Dr Randolph Gray has a special interest in adult degenerative spinal disorders and adult / paediatric spinal deformity surgery.

Dr Nathan Hartin


Dr Nathan Hartin has a special interest in minimally invasive spine surgery, spine trauma surgery and spine deformity and reconstructive surgery.

Dr Dimitri Papadimitriou


Dr Dimitri Papadimitriou has a special interest in arthritis, joint replacement, sports injury, arthroscopic surgery and in trauma management and surgical reconstruction.

Assoc Prof David Parker


Dr David Parker has a special interest in sports injuries, ligament reconstruction, realignment surgery and cartilage pathology, and robotic knee replacement surgery.

Dr Michael Symes

BAppSc Physio(Hons) MBBS(Hons) MPH FRACS(Orth) FAOrthA

Dr Michael Symes has a special interest in ankle replacements, arthroscopic and minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery, complex lower limb trauma, neuromuscular and spasticity lower limb reconstruction.

Dr Sean Suttor

MBBS BSc(Med) FRACS (Orth) FAOrthA

Dr Sean Suttor has a special interest in minimally invasive spine surgery, deformity, tumour, trauma and arthroplasty.

Dr Andrew Wines


Dr Andrew Wines has a special interest in interest in arthroscopic and reconstructive surgery of the foot and ankle in adults and children.