Visit from the NSW Ministry of Health

L-R Top row: Chrissie Crawford, Melinda Pascoe, Shelly Dhaliwal, Joe Portelli, Graham Hanson, Diane Elfleet, Prof Tom Hugh
L-R Bottom row: Maria Albania, Olivia Kirkland

We were recently visited by delegates of the NSW Ministry of Health’s Health System Purchasing and Performance Branch Melinda Pascoe and Chrissie Crawford. Their role includes advising the Ministry on improvement strategies, performance against key indicators and issues regarding elective surgical services. The purpose of their visit was to get a better understanding of the innovative projects going on within the RNSH Division of Surgery and Anesthesia.
The meeting was attended by Prof Tom Hugh; Diane Elfleet
(A/Divisional Nurse Manager, Division of Surgery and Anaesthesia), Shelly Dhaliwal, Maria Albania, Joe Portelli (Manager, Analytics and Business Intelligence Unit), Graham Hanson (Senior Business Analyst) and Olivia Kirkland (CNC, Acute Surgical Unit).

We had an opportunity to present the RNS SERT Institute and the RNS DASO Unit activities to date. We also discussed the Theatre Information Management System (TIMS), the Waitlist Application and the Acute Surgical Unit. It was an opportunity to share knowledge and there were discussions of the state-wide roll-out of some of our projects. Needless to say, the Ministry delegates were impressed by the great work going on at RNSH.